24 October 2010

Results from our 23 October 2010 HCM Clinic

We attended the HCM Clinic in Birmingham, AL on 23 October and the following details our results.
We have mixed emotions of sadness for Sigmund and Rose, and joy for Bilbo and Lily.

This is our first experience with HCM in a living cat. Our beloved boy, Gimli (Godz Gimli Gil-Galad, the object of this blog), was discovered to have late stage HCM (age 3) at necropsy after he was killed with Ketamine. So we have much to learn about caring for Siggy, who will be living with the disease and Rosie, who is highly suspected of having early onset.


GoNaked FreudianSlip of RmplSlkSknz
sire: GoNaked Deklan
dam: KOTY, GC, NW, RW EnchantedLair NWA Cornflake Girl
Age: 15 months
Diagnosis: Early Mild HCM

GP Godz Rose of Sharron
sire: GC Godz MyDadza Mooner, aka DZ
dam: GC Godz Camellia
Age: 2 years, 9 months
Diagnosis: Equivocal Early Mild HCM

GP Godz Junipurr Lily
sire: GC Godz MyDadza Mooner, aka DZ
dam: GC Godz Camelia
Age: 2 years, 9 months
Diagnosis: HCM Negative

Godz Bilbo Bombadil Marshall
sire: GC Barebods Hermovy of Godz
dam: CH Degukats Lady Godiva of Godz
Age: 5 years, 8 months
Diagnosis: HCM Negative
(This is Bilbo's 2nd clear scan)

Siggy started Atenolol today. We're rescanning he and Rose in a few months. Since Gimli was the littermate to DZ (sire of Rose) we will be monitoring her as closely as Sigmund.

Thank you for the kind letters and FB posts already sent to us. Your thoughtfulness and hugs to our kitties are greatly appreciated.

Our sympathies to all breeders involved in our two positive scans.

Kay & Jerry, Bilbo, Rosie, Siggy, & Lily
Home of the RmplSlkSknz crew