Two years.... have we forgotten, no. Will we forget, no. Has Tupelo Animal Clinic or the vet that killed you shown responsibility (even with a necropsy stating that Gimmie was killed due to the Ketamine given to him during a DENTAL CLEANING)? .... No...
We have three more Sphynx in our lives - four including Gimli's "brother" Bilbo who turned five on 28 Feb. of this year. Rose and Lily are Gimil's nieces from his brother, "DZ", aka GC GODZ My Dadza Mooner. And we added another sweet (but mischievious boy, GoNaked FreudianSlip of RmplSlkSknz, aka, Siggy) boy to our home last November.
We still miss our Gimmie Gims. He, in the three years he lived with us, was our delight. He loved his life and I shall never fully remove the guilt I feel for putting him in the unnecessary peril that led - w/in 20 minutes - to his untimely death.
We miss you, Gimli. You were ours and you were a gift. You, and your story, have saved countless others from the same fate that you suffered. You have no idea how many people - the world over - who write to me about you, who know you, who thank me for sharing your story.
I am selfish. But a small part of my heart rejoices that your death was not in vain... that you have helped others, and shall continue to do so through this blog, and ...hopefully through the slow and encumbered rumblings of news that some companies making and dispensing veterniary Ketamine are now being investigated.
Time will tell, but for now your story.. your life.. and even your death, may help others be spared the sorrow and loss that those that loved you so very much have lived with.
We miss you, darling boy. We will lay another remembrance memorial at your bridge this weekend... you are not forgotten, and never will be.
Mom and Dad