We attended the HCM Clinic in Birmingham, AL on 23 October and the following details our results.
We have mixed emotions of sadness for Sigmund and Rose, and joy for Bilbo and Lily.
This is our first experience with HCM in a living cat. Our beloved boy, Gimli (Godz Gimli Gil-Galad, the object of this blog), was discovered to have late stage HCM (age 3) at necropsy after he was killed with Ketamine. So we have much to learn about caring for Siggy, who will be living with the disease and Rosie, who is highly suspected of having early onset.
GoNaked FreudianSlip of RmplSlkSknz
sire: GoNaked Deklan
dam: KOTY, GC, NW, RW EnchantedLair NWA Cornflake Girl
Age: 15 months
Diagnosis: Early Mild HCM
GP Godz Rose of Sharron
sire: GC Godz MyDadza Mooner, aka DZ
dam: GC Godz Camellia
Age: 2 years, 9 months
Diagnosis: Equivocal Early Mild HCM
GP Godz Junipurr Lily
sire: GC Godz MyDadza Mooner, aka DZ
dam: GC Godz Camelia
Age: 2 years, 9 months
Diagnosis: HCM Negative
Godz Bilbo Bombadil Marshall
sire: GC Barebods Hermovy of Godz
dam: CH Degukats Lady Godiva of Godz
Age: 5 years, 8 months
Diagnosis: HCM Negative
(This is Bilbo's 2nd clear scan)
Siggy started Atenolol today. We're rescanning he and Rose in a few months. Since Gimli was the littermate to DZ (sire of Rose) we will be monitoring her as closely as Sigmund.
Thank you for the kind letters and FB posts already sent to us. Your thoughtfulness and hugs to our kitties are greatly appreciated.
Our sympathies to all breeders involved in our two positive scans.
Kay & Jerry, Bilbo, Rosie, Siggy, & Lily
Home of the RmplSlkSknz crew
24 October 2010
30 September 2010
Birmingham HCM Clinic - 23 October 2010
Date confirmed for Sphynx HCM Clinic in Birmingham, AL
Pet Cardiologist of Alabama
2864 Acton Road
Birmingham, AL 35243
CARDIOLOGIST: Dr. Ingrid Knowllen
PRICE: $300 for first cat, $100 each additional
FMI on participating: 205.967.9134
Date confirmed for Sphynx HCM Clinic in Birmingham, AL
Pet Cardiologist of Alabama
2864 Acton Road
Birmingham, AL 35243
CARDIOLOGIST: Dr. Ingrid Knowllen
PRICE: $300 for first cat, $100 each additional
FMI on participating: 205.967.9134
News on genetic tests for Cardiomyopathy in Dobbies
For Sphynx owners there is hope on the horizon.
From Washington State Un. Vet College:
We are very pleased to announce that Dr. Kate Meurs of Washington State
University College of Veterinary Medicine has identified a genetic mutation
responsible for causing cardiomyopathy in Dobermans. A reasonably priced
test will be commercially available in about two weeks through the Veterinary Cardiac Genetics Laboratory at WSU.
NOTE: the test for Dobes will be $75 - DCM is a dominant gene with incomplete penetrance or delayed onset. Some dogs with one copy of the gene never get DCM or only a mild form and live full lives. Dogs with two copies are usually early affected, and more severely.
[per Ellen Crockett (SX breeder) in WA)
From Washington State Un. Vet College:
We are very pleased to announce that Dr. Kate Meurs of Washington State
University College of Veterinary Medicine has identified a genetic mutation
responsible for causing cardiomyopathy in Dobermans. A reasonably priced
test will be commercially available in about two weeks through the Veterinary Cardiac Genetics Laboratory at WSU.
NOTE: the test for Dobes will be $75 - DCM is a dominant gene with incomplete penetrance or delayed onset. Some dogs with one copy of the gene never get DCM or only a mild form and live full lives. Dogs with two copies are usually early affected, and more severely.
[per Ellen Crockett (SX breeder) in WA)
29 September 2010
Reprint: Can you help our Sphynx friends - WSU Vet
Please take a moment to read this article from the researchers at Washington State University Veterinary School. They are requesting DBA samples from Sphynx both with and without HCM.
Help Our Sphynx Friends
Help Our Sphynx Friends
01 September 2010
HCM Clinic Update
HCM clinic date to be set for October with Dr Ingrid Streater-Knowlen in Birmingham, Alabama.
FMI: gimmiesfishes@gmail.com
FMI: gimmiesfishes@gmail.com
12 July 2010
HCM Clinic - Birmingham, AL
Anyone wishing to participate in an HCM clinic at Pet Cardiologist, in Birmingham, AL may contact me for inclusion at:
Date: 14 August - pending
Date: 14 August - pending
pet cardiologist,
18 May 2010
Speuter w/o Ketamine, Scan for HCM... it's what we can do.
29 April 2010
Memories are made of these...
gimmies fishes,
08 April 2010
I will dream of you and see your precious shadow in my mind

It has been a reflective day. A day that was filled with sadness for a loss, happiness for our newest little Sphynx boy, pride for our sweet and weird Bilbo, and with the honour to raise Gimmies nieces - Rose & Lily.
Today I reconnected with a human that I love and care for. I was productive at work and had a great dinner made by my husband that we shared with my father, BG. For this sad anniversary it was a day of thanks.
Photo of shadows casts against a wall, of
Bilbo and Gimli only a week prior to his death.
But I've been thinking of you, little buddy.
You would've been proud of your niece, Lily, who made the incredible jump last night from the kitchen counter (a no-no, still) to the top edge of the kitchen door. Amazing! She also is now the keeper of your fish - who is now four years old and just as wiley as ever. She watches out for him just as you did, sweet boy. I think you would have been proud of her.
Tonight I was sat upon by both our boys -- Bilbo and Sigmund -- for an unusually extended period.... All night.
Do they sense something that I'm not displaying openly but feeling deep inside? Can they smell the lingering sadness? Who knows... but still... of all nights I, for the first time in two years, had two loving boys in my lap, purring to me and wanting to be held. It reminded me of you and I was grateful for the feeling, and for the love you so freely gave and that was given equally to me this evening.
I will not cry tonight, but I will dream of you and still see your precious shadow in my mind.
06 April 2010
You would've been five today, my darling boy.

Two years.... have we forgotten, no. Will we forget, no. Has Tupelo Animal Clinic or the vet that killed you shown responsibility (even with a necropsy stating that Gimmie was killed due to the Ketamine given to him during a DENTAL CLEANING)? .... No...
We have three more Sphynx in our lives - four including Gimli's "brother" Bilbo who turned five on 28 Feb. of this year. Rose and Lily are Gimil's nieces from his brother, "DZ", aka GC GODZ My Dadza Mooner. And we added another sweet (but mischievious boy, GoNaked FreudianSlip of RmplSlkSknz, aka, Siggy) boy to our home last November.
We still miss our Gimmie Gims. He, in the three years he lived with us, was our delight. He loved his life and I shall never fully remove the guilt I feel for putting him in the unnecessary peril that led - w/in 20 minutes - to his untimely death.
We miss you, Gimli. You were ours and you were a gift. You, and your story, have saved countless others from the same fate that you suffered. You have no idea how many people - the world over - who write to me about you, who know you, who thank me for sharing your story.
I am selfish. But a small part of my heart rejoices that your death was not in vain... that you have helped others, and shall continue to do so through this blog, and ...hopefully through the slow and encumbered rumblings of news that some companies making and dispensing veterniary Ketamine are now being investigated.
Time will tell, but for now your story.. your life.. and even your death, may help others be spared the sorrow and loss that those that loved you so very much have lived with.
We miss you, darling boy. We will lay another remembrance memorial at your bridge this weekend... you are not forgotten, and never will be.
Mom and Dad
dental cleaning,
gimmies fishes,
01 February 2010
Teva Animal Health, Inc. expands nationwide ketamine recall
Date: January 14, 2010
On December 22, 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a nationwide voluntary recall of ketamine hydrochloride injectable (100mg/ml, 10 ml vials) manufactured by Teva Animal Health, Inc. Not all Teva products are affected by the recall. Teva Animal Health also manufactures ketamine hydrochloride products for other companies. These products are sold under various brand names and can include the following:
AmTech Group, Inc. (Ketamine Hydrochloride Injection, USP)
Butler (KetaThesia)
LLOYD Laboratories (VetaKet)
Phoenix (Ketaject)
RXV (Keta-Sthetic)
VEDCO (KetaVed)
Fort Dodge/Pfizer (Ketaset)
Teva Animal Health does not distribute products internationally.
Teva Animal Health is not the only manufacturer of ketamine hydrochloride in the U.S. and not all products sold under the above-listed names listed are affected. Therefore, regardless of the brand name on the product, look at the lot number on all ketamine hydrochloride (100 mg/ml in 10 ml vials) products.
If the lot number is 6 numeric digits, the product is NOT part of the recall
If the lot number is 7 numeric digits, the product should be returned
If the lot number starts with "5401", regardless of the number of digits or the presence of letters in the lot code, the product should be returned
Veterinarians with questions may contact Teva Animal Health at 800-759-3664 from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm (CST) Monday through Friday.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- December 21, 2009 - Teva Animal Health, Inc. is expanding a nationwide voluntary recall of Ketamine Hydrochloride Injection, USP CIII 100mg/mL in 10mL vials for all lot numbers within their expiration dates to the Veterinary Level. This product had previously been recalled to the distributor level and is being expanded as a result of an increased trend in serious adverse events associated with this product.
Veterinarians who have this product in their possession are instructed to cease using the product immediately and return it to their distributor.
Ketamine Hydrochloride is a rapid acting, non-narcotic, non-barbiturate agent for anesthetic use in cats and for restraint in subhuman primates. This recall is being conducted as a result of an increased trend in serious adverse events associated with this product, including lack of effect, prolonged effect, and death and involves all lot numbers within expiration.
Teva Animal Health, Inc is voluntarily recalling the aforementioned product. The FDA has been apprised of this action.
Consumers with questions may contact 800-759-3664 from 8:00am – 5:00pm CST Monday-Friday.
On December 22, 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a nationwide voluntary recall of ketamine hydrochloride injectable (100mg/ml, 10 ml vials) manufactured by Teva Animal Health, Inc. Not all Teva products are affected by the recall. Teva Animal Health also manufactures ketamine hydrochloride products for other companies. These products are sold under various brand names and can include the following:
AmTech Group, Inc. (Ketamine Hydrochloride Injection, USP)
Butler (KetaThesia)
LLOYD Laboratories (VetaKet)
Phoenix (Ketaject)
RXV (Keta-Sthetic)
VEDCO (KetaVed)
Fort Dodge/Pfizer (Ketaset)
Teva Animal Health does not distribute products internationally.
Teva Animal Health is not the only manufacturer of ketamine hydrochloride in the U.S. and not all products sold under the above-listed names listed are affected. Therefore, regardless of the brand name on the product, look at the lot number on all ketamine hydrochloride (100 mg/ml in 10 ml vials) products.
If the lot number is 6 numeric digits, the product is NOT part of the recall
If the lot number is 7 numeric digits, the product should be returned
If the lot number starts with "5401", regardless of the number of digits or the presence of letters in the lot code, the product should be returned
Veterinarians with questions may contact Teva Animal Health at 800-759-3664 from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm (CST) Monday through Friday.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- December 21, 2009 - Teva Animal Health, Inc. is expanding a nationwide voluntary recall of Ketamine Hydrochloride Injection, USP CIII 100mg/mL in 10mL vials for all lot numbers within their expiration dates to the Veterinary Level. This product had previously been recalled to the distributor level and is being expanded as a result of an increased trend in serious adverse events associated with this product.
Veterinarians who have this product in their possession are instructed to cease using the product immediately and return it to their distributor.
Ketamine Hydrochloride is a rapid acting, non-narcotic, non-barbiturate agent for anesthetic use in cats and for restraint in subhuman primates. This recall is being conducted as a result of an increased trend in serious adverse events associated with this product, including lack of effect, prolonged effect, and death and involves all lot numbers within expiration.
Teva Animal Health, Inc is voluntarily recalling the aforementioned product. The FDA has been apprised of this action.
Consumers with questions may contact 800-759-3664 from 8:00am – 5:00pm CST Monday-Friday.
07 January 2010
Thinking about you today, my love...
You're on my mind and in my heart, my darling little boy. If you only knew how many people and SX have been touched by your story.
I love you Gimmie.
I am including a photo of you, with your brother, Bilbo, and new sibblings PR Junipurr Lily, GP Rose, and new little brother GoNaked FreudianSlip of RmplSlkSknz, aka, "Siggy". You'll always remain a forever part of our family... we miss you, Gims.

In back: Gimli, aka "Gimmie Gims", and L-R:
Siggy, Rose, Lily, and in front, Bilbo - Gimli's cattery mate.
The cattery name is ours - and my husband came up with it.
We do not breed. The name is strictly a vanity.
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