07 January 2010

Thinking about you today, my love...

You're on my mind and in my heart, my darling little boy. If you only knew how many people and SX have been touched by your story.

I love you Gimmie.

I am including a photo of you, with your brother, Bilbo, and new sibblings PR Junipurr Lily, GP Rose, and new little brother GoNaked FreudianSlip of RmplSlkSknz, aka, "Siggy". You'll always remain a forever part of our family... we miss you, Gims.

In back: Gimli, aka "Gimmie Gims", and L-R:
Siggy, Rose, Lily, and in front, Bilbo - Gimli's cattery mate.
The cattery name is ours - and my husband came up with it.
We do not breed. The name is strictly a vanity.

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